Teeth In A Day In Billerica

understanding your options

can I really get teeth in a day?

Yes, we can indeed replace all of the teeth in an arch or both arches in a single day! This is done by placing four dental implants into the jaw which will serve as the support for an entire arch of teeth with a fixed bridge that clips onto the implants. 

The angle of the implants eliminates the need for bone grafting, waiting for months for the implant site to heal, or osseointegration to be complete before placing a temporary restoration.

We will place an immediate temporary bridge right after the placement of your implants until you’ve fully healed and are ready for your official dental bridge. In the meantime, your smile will be restored and it will be easier to chew and speak.

what to expect

what is the teeth in a day process like?

Consultation - First, we’ll ask you to come in for a consultation so we can assess the health of your teeth, gums, and jaw bone to determine if you’re a good candidate for Teeth In a Day.

Implants - In the upper and lower jaws, two implants will be placed in the front of the jaw, and two will be placed at the back. The two back dental implants will be placed at a 45-degree angle which is what enables them to support more teeth without additional implants.

Immediate Restoration - We will place a bridge that snaps onto your dental implants. This bridge is temporary and will be removed once the implants have fused with the jawbone and you’re ready for your official bridge.

Official Restoration - After you’ve fully healed, we will fit and attach your official bridge.

aftercare instructions

how do I care for my new implants?

Practice good oral hygiene by brushing with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste twice a day and brush for 2-3 minutes. We recommend using a water flosser to thoroughly clean between the teeth. 

These are particularly effective with dental bridges. Another useful cleaning tool is a rubber-tip gum stimulator which is used to trace along the gum line and strengthen your gums. It will remove any trapped food particles along the gum line.

Attend regular dental appointments to check on the condition of your implants and keep gum disease at bay. The ADA recommends checkups and cleanings every 6 months.

a long lasting solution

how long do the implants last?

Teeth in a day implants are a long-term solution to tooth loss. Dental implants have a lifespan of 25 years but with proper care, can last an entire lifetime. However, the bridge is likely to degrade sooner than that due to wear and tear. 

A bridge can last for up to 15 years, but it depends on your lifestyle. You should avoid chewing excessively hard, sticky, or crunchy foods. Attend regular dental appointments so your dentist can look out for ill-fitting restorations that need to be replaced.

If you’re interested in getting teeth in a day with teeth in a day implants, contact us at North Billerica Smiles today to schedule a consultation.

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what is a dental implant?

A dental implant includes two parts: an abutment and a restoration. Together, these two pieces create a permanent replacement tooth that looks and functions just like a natural one would.

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how do dental implants work?

The first step of the dental implant process is a consultation at North Billerica Smiles. During your visit, we’ll assess your smile to see if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. If so, we’ll move onto the treatment planning phase.

One of our dentists will take x-rays and scans of your mouth, then use the detailed images of your teeth, gums, jawline, and surrounding bone structures to come up with a precise treatment plan. Once this is complete, you will come in for your oral surgery and your abutment will be placed in your gum. When this heals, this is the part of your implant that will function as an artificial tooth root.

3-6 Months after your abutment is places and your gums are fully healed, you’ll come back in for your final appointment. During your last visit, we’ll attach a dental crown or other restoration to the abutment, and this will create a replacement tooth that looks and feels natural. You’ll be able to chew, speak, and smile with ease - with no gaps in your teeth!

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do dental implants hurt?

Since dental implants are an invasive oral surgery, you can expect to feel some pain. However, we use powerful numbing agents and anesthetics to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during your procedure. What’s more, we also send you home with a prescription for medication that will help ease your pain, if necessary. We do everything in our power to provide a smooth, pain-free implant treatment.

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how long do dental implants last?

With proper care and oral hygiene, your dental implant should last the rest of your life. We also offer maintenance appointments to help ensure that your implant stays in good shape throughout the years.

We Look Forward To Meeting You.

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